Supporting Immigrant Women in New Zealand

Whether you are a new immigrant or have been in New Zealand for many years, no matter which country you are from, how old you are or what your background is, we have one thing in common:
We are all women who made the tough decision to pack up our entire lives and leave everything and everyone we love behind for a new life in a new country.
LABYRINTH FOR LEMONADE creates events where you will be surrounded by like-minded women, where you will be inspired and motivated by speakers about topics that are specifically of importance to you as an immigrant woman.
When we leave our country of birth, we inevitably also leave our sisters at heart and with that, our support system behind. Our heart for LABYRINTH FOR LEMONADE is to create opportunities where you can connect deeply, share your vulnerability, your joys, fears and your dreams with other women who understand your journey.
With time we all find our place in the beautiful Aotearoa, we built a new life, form new friendships and start to feel content again, but every now and again we need to be reminded that we are not alone on this journey.
Our Team

We would love to grow our team! Would you like to get involved in supporting immigrant women within your community – join us as a volunteer